SIM Swapping; a simple but devastating kind of Cyber Crime

When we hear the term "cyber crime", we envision the cinematic portrayal of a young hacker tapping at a keyboard to gain instant access to other people's data.

Sadly this is not as far-fetched as we think it is. A method known as SIM Swapping is a very real cyber crime that results in millions of Dollars being stolen worldwide.

SIM-Swapping is the simple act of a ‘thief’ impersonating a “user” when they contact the service provider specific to a cellular number they have targeted. The scammer requests a "transfer" of the specified number to a new SIM card the hacker has activated.

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Ross Joughin
Accelerating COVID-19 Diagnostics with Effective IoT Connectivity Management

Since 2020, HMD Global has been playing its part to address the critical need for rapid and cost-effective access to COVID-19-related diagnostics devices across Africa.

Synapser, a UK-based Cloud Software Developer and reseller of IoT connectivity solutions, was approached by LumiraDx (Global Point-of-care Diagnostic Company) to provide a complete connectivity solution that they required, to enable effective and cost-efficient patient care.

Synapser proposed HMD Enterprise solutions, supplying 5000 Android Nokia C1 devices with pre-installed HMD Connect Pro SIM cards across 48+ African Union member states.

“Our choice to propose HMD Enterprise solutions was based on HMD Global having longstanding expertise and presence across the African continent. This was key to ensuring successful delivery on the project, despite challenging budgets and timelines.”

Ross Joughin - Sales & Marketing Director – Synapser

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Ross Joughin
Digital Security is it as safe as they say it is?

Most companies that use MFA are still successfully hacked.” — Roger Grimes, 2018

Digital security is globally accepted as the ‘resources employed to protect your online identity, data, and other online assets’.

The global pandemic radically changed the digital landscape, forcing a majority of employees to adopt the ‘work from home’ model. This increased the number of people requiring remote access to their networks. Corporates invest heavily in physical security infrastructure, software applications and predominantly multi-factor technology to secure digital capital.

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Ross Joughin
Reviewed by Amazon

Synapser has succesfuly passed another AWS technical Review (FTR), for our VITAL online health management application.

This accreditation proves stringent adherence to best practices related to security, reliability, and operational excellence as mandated by Amazon Web Services.

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Ross Joughin
Should we still be testing for COVID-19?

Approximately, 1 in 5 people are infected with COVID-19, yet they have no symptoms,

This means that they can spread the virus without even knowing it. Similarly, although fully vaccinated, people can also remain infectious, totally unaware of the risk they still pose to their family, friends and co-workers. The problem is not knowing whether a person is currently in an infectious state or not, placing anyone they come into contact with, at risk.

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Ross Joughin
Secure connected mobility solution for the Enterprise

Now more than ever, businesses face enormous pressure to improve productivity and accelerate innovation, focusing on digital transformation, as WFH (Work From Home) is currently a defacto standard.

Synapser are proud to be global partners with HMD, enabling Synapser to supply an end to end, tailored mobility solution for the corporate enterprise.

HMD Global, the home of Nokia Phones, has an enthusiastic belief in mobile technology that enhances everyday lives, for everyone, around the world.

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Ross Joughin