We’re tired of COVID-19. Should we still be testing for it?


In August of this year (2021), we posed this question in an article (Should we still be testing for COVID-19?) we published on our website.

The question is more relevant than ever today, given the continued mutation of the virus which has recently stranded those waiting to board flights to re-join their families in the UK.

"On the 26th of November 2021, South African health authorities alerted the World Health Organization to a new variant they detected; WHO named it Omicron" *

Over the last two years, economies worldwide have suffered devasting losses, and it is time to acknowledge that this virus, and each consecutive strain, is now a part of our daily lives. To resume productivity, to recover domestic and global economies**, we need to get people back to their places of work, attending events, family and church gatherings, as safely as is humanly possible through managing risk.

Through research and clinical trials***, it has been found that those positive with COVID-19 infections can be highly infectious from two to five days before symptoms appear!

Recent statistics**** show that a contagious individual can transmit the virus faster now, than when the virus first emerged.

Therefore, it is safe to say that continuous testing is vital to secure the global population.


To this end, Synapser has partnered with Hamba Nathi Health Solutions to combine the power of Synapser's Vital Pass Platform with Hamba Nathi's extensive network of Point of Care sites, to provide a medically safe, secure digital solution, to test, verify and confirm a person’s current health status.

Synapser’s Identity Authentication application, Entry, is a no password, no OTP, multi-factor authentication application developed by Synapser. The application creates a unique DNA of the user’s primary device, which it matches to the secure biometric profile of the user. Entry ensures that the person presenting themselves for testing and or vaccination to a health care practitioner, is the same person who applied for treatment.

Entry, in conjunction with Synapser’s Vital Pass Platform, secures personal information and related health records pertaining to the person, within a secure encrypted account in the AWS cloud. In this way, we can accurately verify that the person presenting their health record as proof of a test result, and or vaccination, is the same person who took the test, and or was vaccinated. The platform has the full capability of delivering real-time reporting on tracking statistics that are critical to decision making within the private and public sectors.

Synapser, together with Hamba Nathi Healthcare Solutions is empowering people to live safely in a digital world.

Reference Articles:

* https://www.who.int/news/item/28-11-2021-update-on-omicron




Ross Joughin