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Seamless Digital Insurance Solutions

In today's fast-paced digital age, technology has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, streamlining the way we work, connect, and manage our finances. However, life’s unpredictabilities remain, and there is a pressing need for insurance coverage to mitigate the uncertainties in this increasingly digital-dependent society.

SecureUs is a mobile device-based application that enables its users to access direct insurance solutions. Currently available is device insurance, with funeral cover and personal accident protection to be added later. SecureUs enhances the overall digital security of its users and provides peace of mind by safeguarding them in both the digital and physical worlds.


So How does it work exactly?

Upon downloading and opening the SecureUs application, users utilise Synapser's flagship digital identity application, Entry, to complete their KYC verification within the SecureUs platform, ensuring a smooth and secure login process. All personal information from the Entry registration process is transferred, and user data remains protected.

Users are then enabled with access to direct insurance. Users are guided through a straightforward process where they provide the required details, including payment options, before activating the policy.


Insurance Policies

  • Device Policy: The SecureUs application incorporates robust device policies that emphasise the security and safeguarding of users' mobile devices. With SecureUs, the mobile device transcends its traditional role as a tool for digital access, becoming a protected asset. This comprehensive approach enhances digital security, providing users with peace of mind in a connected world.

Coming Soon:

  • Funeral Cover: Within the SecureUs application, funeral cover is an integral component of its services, ensuring that users and their families have access to crucial financial support in the event of a tragedy. This additional layer of security underscores the application's unwavering commitment to users' well-being, extending its protective reach beyond the digital world to encompass life's unforeseen events.

  • Personal Accident Cover: SecureUs places a paramount emphasis on users' safety by offering comprehensive personal accident coverage. This feature not only provides essential financial security in the event of accidents but also integrates a rapid response system. In the unfortunate event of an accident, users can activate a digital distress signal, triggering an immediate dispatch of roadside assistance to their location. With SecureUs, the digital journey is not solely about convenience; it's also about proactively preparing for life's uncertainties.

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