You may just be the weakest factor in Multifactor-Authentication.


Another recent breach in online security serves as a wake-up call for everyone who uses the online world. Multifactor Authentication (MFA) has been a buzzword in online security, promising an ironclad defence against hackers. But recent events have shown that it’s not as foolproof as we thought. On April 1, 2024, a cybercriminal managed to break into one of Cisco Duo service providers’ system. Last week, customers got an email concerning the breach and urging them to pass on the warning.

How Did It Happen? The hacker tricked an employee into giving up their login details through a phishing scam: one of those messages needing your urgent attention or else your world will end and provide a link to stop the countdown. With these credentials, they accessed the system and stole MFA text message logs linked to customer accounts.

We often hear about the “Never Trust, Always Verify” approach, which is great for keeping data safe from cyber thieves. But there’s a weak spot in systems that rely on third-party providers for one-time pins (OTP’s) or verification tokens. These “Open Loop” systems are at risk because hackers can use various methods to intercept these messages and gain unauthorized access. SIM swopping is a typical means used to intercept OTPs to gain access to accounts.

How can you prevent this? Select products which use a closed loop system.


Synapser has created Entry, a new kind of closed loop verification app. It’s designed to confirm that the person trying to access an account is genuinely who they claim to be. The app uses a combination of real-time facial recognition, government ID checks, and tamper proofing to prevent a similar risk.

With Entry, you can be sure that only you can access your digital life. It gives you control over your personal data and ensures that your online presence is as safe as possible.

Synapser’s mission is the commitment to providing technology which helps people to Live Safely in a Digital World. With solutions like Entry, they’re making sure that living safely online isn’t just a possibility — it’s a reality.

Ross Joughin